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Provide more detailed feedback on ERP sync /import status

I have been running an import from Xero and checking the status using the welcome page. The current status is "Importing: CRM Records" which doesn't tell me anything. They are all CRM records? If this is the missing customers import can we make ...
Guest about 5 years ago in Xero 1 Shipped

Ability to manage product categories in the CRM - esp for use with CRM built-in special pricing (xero, access, sage dont have any, and Pegasus categories may be accounts-focussed)

In Xero there aren't any categories. Nor really in Access or sage. Even in Pegasus where the categories are a thing, they may not be right for the sales team / pricing requirements. It would be good if you could turn off/ override the account syst...
Guest over 5 years ago in Xero 2 Shipped