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Product Suggestions

CMS App, Websites & eCommerce

Showing 4

Show which user has portal login when resolving duplicates

When resolving duplicates, you get a long list of all the Contacts but these are all pretty similar so it's hard to tell which is the one you actually want to keep, particularly if they all have the same name! Importantly, you need to know which U...
Guest 8 months ago in CMS App, Websites & eCommerce 3 Already exists

Add what exact time something was updated

In the Date column add the ability instead of how long or what date, can we have it what time and activity or order was updated/placed (e.g. 1630 29/08/22 or 4:30pm 29/08/22)
Guest over 2 years ago in CMS App, Websites & eCommerce 2 Already exists

Standard functionality for having unlisted products on websites

Unlisted products would be beneficial to customers who receive requests for exclusive products/ product kits which aren't standard products that should be available to browse to on the website by any user. This unlisted functionality could be util...
Guest over 4 years ago in CMS App, Websites & eCommerce 1 Already exists

Ability for users to add files to products so customers can access them on websites

A customer would like to be able to add files, such as PDF's and videos to products, so that on the website customers can access these files that may be relevant to the product.
Guest over 4 years ago in CMS App, Websites & eCommerce 0 Already exists