Add main division number under contact phone number
if a contact has their own number, the only way to get to the division number (e.g. if the contact number goes to voicemail) you have to click on the division. Could the division number be added underneath the contact one?
On a contact, opportunity, problem, quote etc screen you still see the contacts main phone number, but next to that there is a drop down arrow that gives you a full list of "other" phone numbers for this contact, plus the main company switchboard number.
This could also be useful if the contact has a mobile (which is a main field on the contact record) as well as any other telephone numbers on the Communication page. Perhaps a dropdown like the Desktop had?
Communications tab on a sales lead should show the landline and the mobile number for a contact
Would be useful to have both a landline and mobile number available on the communications tab on a lead, as more often than not a contact is unreachable on one of their numbers, and to get the other number you have to go on their contact page to g...
over 6 years ago
You cannot find the division phone number from the contact screen
When im on a contact, i can see on the main screen the mobile (or other direct dial) number (twice). if i go to the communications tab i can see any add-phones.
But, as a new user to the system i would have absolutely no idea that there was anothe...
On a contact, opportunity, problem, quote etc screen you still see the contacts main phone number, but next to that there is a drop down arrow that gives you a full list of "other" phone numbers for this contact, plus the main company switchboard number.
This could also be useful if the contact has a mobile (which is a main field on the contact record) as well as any other telephone numbers on the Communication page. Perhaps a dropdown like the Desktop had?