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Categories CRM App
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 2, 2020

Change default email from crmemails@ to noreply@

For customers who have not yet set up a custom sending domain it would be useful if emails came from no-reply@ rather than crmemails@, as there is no indication that this is an unmonitored inbox.

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  • Admin
    Andrew Ardron
    Mar 21, 2022

    System emails are now sent with a "reply to" of a valid CRM user so that replies from customers are received by someone.
    For things like order confirmation emails, the CRM uses the email address of the user performing the action.
    For other things, there is a new system option where you can set the sender email address.

    If the "sender email" option hasnt been configured the CRM will use the first admin user it finds in the list of users.