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Categories CRM App
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 23, 2020

Expand to Division Product Authorisation from Division

Currently you are only able to start a report at Division Product Authorisation and expand up one level to Division.

If you are trying to report on contacts for example, you cannot go Contact > Division > Division Product Authorisation as the Division Product Authorisation entity is a lower 'level' than Division.

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  • Guest
    Feb 8, 2021

    I tried what you suggested, but do not see “Division Product Authorisation" when going that path – it doesn’t seem to be visible / associated

  • Admin
    Andrew Ardron
    Feb 7, 2021

    I beleive this is possible. if you add a filter you can now filter divisions by whether they "have" or "dont" have authorisations. This type of reporting is a bit complex but it's really cool when you get your head around it. Ask me (Andy) if you can't figure it out. But it works like our X but not Y reports... so you can get a list of contacts (by expanding to division), or divisions who say have a given authorisation, or dont have it.

  • Guest
    Jan 11, 2021

    this would make the mailchimp integration what i was expecting for us. currently it's not easy enough to maintain

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