This looks relatively easy (Accepting that when you do it, it might be easy, or it might break stuff!)
But, turning a vue.js app into a PWA basically requires:
1. not breaking when you get disconnected from internet (done! - eventually we could look at offline data as a nice-to-have but that isnt required for PWA)
2. a default, static page for when you try to load with no internet (not hard to do - just static HTML)
3. A manifest file (again static) - just linked up correctly
4. some appropriate icons and text for the manifest file to work well on different ios, android, windows etc platforms.
And, I think for starters, thats it! oh... apart from:
5. testing that it isnt broken on various browsers and platforms
I read a fairly easy to follow blog about doing this with vue.js here:
The tutorial will be split in several parts, that will be published successively:
Then, remove the (actually broken) 365 apps from ios and android store. Then submit the PWA to the android store. You will soon be able to do this in windows too, and it is beleived ioS are working on more PWA support too.