currently it is not possible to search for Telephone numbers in the global search, this is something that was possible in version 6. And is extremely useful if it is difficult to spell the customers name and you have their number of your phone.
We've added basic phone searching (matches on the exact phone number). While this is going to be useful for some customers, we're continuing to investigate more intelligent search options that might cope with different phone number formats - which can vary greatly ! e.g. matching 07841 with +44 7841 or +44 (0) 7841, etc.
Ideally would like this to connect to our phone software, so that the customers record comes up automatically when they call in. (This is done on many other CRM systems)
Currently when you search a contact's phone number in the global search no contacts show up, but if you search this in a report a contact does show up so the phone number is clearly in the CRM
Further searching capability - activity logs & phone numbers
A customer would find it useful to be able to use the search function to search for specific information within activity logs and also phone numbers. If a name or email address is forgotten, it gives the option to further search for information fr...
We've added basic phone searching (matches on the exact phone number). While this is going to be useful for some customers, we're continuing to investigate more intelligent search options that might cope with different phone number formats - which can vary greatly ! e.g. matching 07841 with +44 7841 or +44 (0) 7841, etc.
Ideally would like this to connect to our phone software, so that the customers record comes up automatically when they call in. (This is done on many other CRM systems)
Very important. We have used this in the desk top version to locate a customer when we have been unable to find them through other search options.
This is very important - i want to cast my votes on this but have run out of votes!