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Product Suggestions
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 2, 2022

Contacts to associate to multiple companies

Some contacts will work for multiple businesses. Currently, you can relate a contact to a company, or duplicate the contact working underneath two or more companies. Well this works duplication isn't ideal. Relationships don't allowed to place an order under that contact for the related company. A customer has raised this stating what they ideally need is recognition that a contact and work for multiple companies; and and be allowed to place orders for all companies under one contact.

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  • Guest
    Apr 2, 2024

    We are using Prospect CRM for customers who are Medical Professionals (for example Neurosurgeons and Orthopaedic surgeons). In this case, the surgeons can work at different hospitals, and the only practical workaround is to create duplicate contacts associated to those hospitals they work for. Then sales leads are associated according to hospital - contact (surgeon).

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