A lot of customers like having the ability to customise what is on the dashboard when they first open the CRM. This should include lists of data, key figures and graphs.
There should be a default dashboard configured for the "All Users" team (Default Dictionary)
Above the dashboard there should be a menu. This menu should provide the user with the ability to:
Select a dashboard from a drop down
Add a new dashboard
Edit a dashboard
Duplicate a dashboard
Share with a team or a specific user
Go Full Screen
Delete a dashboard
Dashboards should primarily be for teams however a user should be able to have their own dashboards too
The CRM should remember what dashboard was last selected and then show that when next logging in
Dashboard editing will always be editing "The selected dashboard" and saving will save for all users who it's shared with. Only the "Dashboard Creator" can edit the dashboard or a CRM_ADMINISTRATOR"
Would love to be able to customise, especially the leader board on the sales rep dashboard. This is critical for my business as sales reps do not compete with each other, and showing this is de-motivational. So this is critical for my business.
Would love the option to edit and customise the dashboards as some of the dashboards are not relevant to us.
Great idea!! The current dashboards have lots widgets on them that are not useful. Tailoring your own dashboards would be a big step forward. Unleashed have already enabled customisable dashboards.
Altering the home screen layouts for various departments, users or dictionaries would be extrmely useful. We find that many of our users like to see informatioon relevent to their role or department upon entering, as an admin I am being asked if it's possible that the reports shown to them upon entry can be altered to be more suited to them. I'd like to configure the layout of a users homescreen just like I can change their layout of different parts of the CRM based on the dictionary they are in.
As in other post from Isobel:-
Having a one size or one layout fits all for the non configurable home page seems out character given the customization available else where in the 365 CRM. At the very least the News Section could be reduced considerably. Better still be able to choose the visible tiles much like managing your favorites in the desktop CRM