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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 2, 2023
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SPA-I-2622 Create Magic Matrix records based on Delivery Address.

Matrix Sales Ledger Codes split for separate invoicing account Merged

Currently the customer sales ledger code shows on the Matrix when invoice and delivery have been made to the same address ledger code showing the product item bought in green. What if you have multiple companies with their own ledgers, BUT INVOICING needs to go to central invoicing elsewhere, entry is made on the invoicing and order processing is entered on that ledger.

To summarise - You have a company address and sales ledger customer code which the information gets pulled through to the Matrix BUT you also need the same information posting to another sales ledger customer code for INVOICING purposes which does NOT need to show on the Matrix. How can this be worked in?