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Product Suggestions
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 11, 2023

Create Magic Matrix records based on Delivery Address

Have an option to create a Magic Matrix from Delivery Addresses rather than Sales Ledgers

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Matrix Sales Ledger Codes split for separate invoicing account

Currently the customer sales ledger code shows on the Matrix when invoice and delivery have been made to the same address ledger code showing the product item bought in green. What if you have multiple companies with their own ledgers, BUT INVOICI...
Guest about 1 year ago in Unleashed 0

Support Invoice-to ledgers for Unleashed

For the situation where a customer has a main ledger they use for order processing for multiple smaller elements who place the orders. There is no Magic Matrix or Sales Transaction data for these smaller Companies as all of that data is used by th...
Guest about 1 year ago in Unleashed 2