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Created by Guest
Created on Nov 29, 2023

Add Unit Price Including Tax field for Quote Tables

Have a field on a quote which can show the individual unit price of a product including the tax applied to that product

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  • Andrew Ardron
    Dec 4, 2023

    So what you actually need is an entirely different process for setting and handling VAT inclusive prices... but that's a lot more complex and not supported by all the Accounting /ERP systems we integrate with... so overall this is something that seems to have more complexity than initially seems

  • Andrew Ardron
    Dec 4, 2023

    The main issue here is that VAT is calculated on the line value, not the price. So you get potential rounding issues - especially where you might have decimal prices and decimal quantities. i.e if you add VAT to a price and then multiple by quantity you dont always get the same answer as taking the line value (which is net price times qty) and applying VAT afterwards.