Customer will find useful to be able to change the decimal places set for certain fields in quote lines such as Value (inc. tax), Value ( or Total amount. Currently you can only edit the decimal places for quantity and prices.
@Guest@Arthur Ashdown I dont understand this requirement. Why would you want to change these decimals? they are pre-defined by the currency in use. i..e if you are selling in £ and pence, you cannot quote someone £0.005 - the prices can be a fraction of a penny, but the quote value, tax value etc have to be real money that can be paid by a customer (i..e whole pennies). Perhaps the customer has their system incorrectly configured?
@Guest @Arthur Ashdown I dont understand this requirement. Why would you want to change these decimals? they are pre-defined by the currency in use. i..e if you are selling in £ and pence, you cannot quote someone £0.005 - the prices can be a fraction of a penny, but the quote value, tax value etc have to be real money that can be paid by a customer (i..e whole pennies). Perhaps the customer has their system incorrectly configured?