Currently, we perform a calculation of the physical and on order stock to show the Quantity available in their workspace. Some products that have been ordered for our customer might not arrive for months, and this could cause them to sell items to their customers that would not be delivered for a while. Showing the amount of physical stock and the stock on order would give our customer a better overview of their actual stock and their stock on order allowing them to see and only sell the products that they have already received.
Just to add, that the ability to see the underlying values (i.e. physical and sales order values) already exists - if you look at a stock item, and navigate to the stock page you can see this detail. This should help you deal with scenarios where the future sales orders are depleting the available stock.
If you use Standard stock calculations, we don't calculate the available stock figure in CRM using future purchase orders and deliveries, that is only used in Advanced stock calculations. Standard just uses the free stock figure from the ERP system then subtracts any reserved on Quotes in CRM.
I've taken a look over some examples from Dimensions and the "free stock" field in Dimensions takes into account future deliveries.
We do import all the individual figures (physical stock, on order, sales orders etc) against individual warehouses on the Stock Levels page in the CRM, but the "available stock" figure on the main Detail page is just the calculated total. For CRM systems integrated with Access Dimensions that use Standard calculations, this can be misleading as we show a value that might not be available right now.