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Categories Sage 50
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 7, 2024

Send quoteline description to comment 1 and comment 2 in Sage if more than 50 characters

The Description field on an order line in Sage only allows 50 characters, so when you put more in this becomes truncated. There are two additional lines, Comment 1 and Comment 2 that could be used to include any description that would have been truncated.

We could add a system setting to separate the quoteline description across these fields (Description, Comment 1 and Comment 2) depending on the length of the quoteline description in the CRM.

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  • Guest
    Feb 7, 2024

    Grateful to Kyran for generating this entry on your Ideas Platform. I can only imagine that there are other companies out there that use CRM for generating quotations and would like that the programme could seamlessly transfer the wording into the 3 lines that are available in Sage, rather than everything being lost after just 50 characters. I do wish to highlight that the '50 characters' is a number that we have found will fit on a single line of the template that is generated in Sage for the Sales Order. Taking into consideration, however, that any Quotation, Sales Order, Invoice, Delivery Note or 'whatever' document, will usually be restricted by the space that is available on an A4 sheet of paper, so it would be logical to think that a long 'description' would need to flow onto 2 or 3 lines! I trust that this makes sense and it would be so very helpful to us if the programme would allow these long descriptions to copy over in full. We can deal with laying it out in the document, we just don't want to have to re-type everything that has been truncated! Hoping that your team can have a look at this to see if there is anything that can be done to make it more user-friendly! Thank you. Nicola