It's understood that Prospect Soft rounds to two decimal places before calculating the tax on products and it is accepted with HMRC.
What would be great though, is an option can be added to the back end settings that allows the users to determine how many decimal places they want the calculation to be based on BEFORE rounding to two decimal places. This allows us as users to match to other systems in our eco system, for example we use Cin7Core which calculates to 4 decimal places before rounding and Xero which uses 8? decimal places.
The issue is not the rounding, it's rounding BEFORE the calculation takes place as this leaves discrepancies between purchase orders received from customers and the invoice amount due to the tax calculation, it is pence but this raises questions and uncertainty between parties. We are currently manually intervening in the ERP system to avoid this which defeats the benefit of automation between the CRM and ERP systems.