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Product Suggestions
Created by Andrew Ardron
Created on Jan 5, 2019

Account manager / visit planning

CSG use a product called to manage field sales diaries and visits. This just lets them see who is where, who they are meeting and i think importantly the "objective" of the call.

We have talked about doing similar features, we should definitely talk to Jon Watson about how they use this, what they do with it and what they want to do. It seems that their use is pretty simple and would make a good MVP even if we had other things to add later on. I think Airflow would be similar probably.

Its also possible we could integrate with this existing product instead of writing our own.

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  • Guest
    Jan 22, 2022

    this could be similar to the calendar feature that has been suggested.

    No more votes, so can't vote for this, but i think it's great to have in Prospect CRM!