A really nice feature of the Microsoft Word Table formatting is to highlight alternate rows in alternate colours (e.g. light blue, white, light blue, white etc).
This is really nice, EXCEPT, when most products have an extended description but you have a product in the middle of your quote table that has no extended description. This "throws out the nice formatting" - its not technically broken but in the first half of the table the product lines are blue and the extended description lines are white... then after x rows this inverts... and maybe after another x rows it goes back. e.g in this table Product 2 breaks the "nice formatting:
Code |
Description |
Qty |
Value |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
XYZ-777 |
Product 2 |
1 |
£50 |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
With an option to "insert a blank line if there is no extended description" then you would get this instead:
Code |
Description |
Qty |
Value |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
XYZ-777 |
Product 2 |
1 |
£50 |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
ABC-123 |
Product desc 1 |
2 |
£200 |
Extended description with more product details |
Note - it may be that this option should have 3 values -"Yes"/"No"/"Only when at least one line has an extended description"