The way extended descriptions on quote tables display in Prospect 365 is that they are on a separate row in the table to the other columns, however this isn't the most customer friendly way of displaying the Extended Description information.
I think it would be better if we were able to configure it so that if the Extended Description field is selected for a Quote Table, it merges this into the same table cell as the Description so displays as the below but all within one cell:
Product Description
Extended Description Line 1
Extended Description Line 2
Attached is a screenshot showing how this currently displays
Interestingly, doing this would also avoid the problem i logged seperately about needing to add an extra line when some products dont have an extended description (because of the way this messes up the alternate line colouring that is popular in Word tables). If there is an option to merge the extended description into the same cell as the description, then the alternate line colour won't get messed up.