Add a banner to product window for Obsolete/Superceded etc
Just like quotes have for "Customer is on Stop" put a banner on products "this product is obsolete" or "This product is superceded" (When we do superceded functionality
It would be good if this banner was specific about what does and doesn't work on obsoleted products, e.g. it will still show in quote & sales history, but cannot be searched for or added to quotes by default, and potentially no further updates will be made from any integrated systems (i.e. stock level updates).
Obsolete product records don't say they're obsolete
You cant find them by searching but if you know the URL or have the product in the recent activity (I've logged as a bug) then users can still access the product. We should have a red banner like other records stating the product is obsolete
It would be good if this banner was specific about what does and doesn't work on obsoleted products, e.g. it will still show in quote & sales history, but cannot be searched for or added to quotes by default, and potentially no further updates will be made from any integrated systems (i.e. stock level updates).