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Product Suggestions
Categories CRM App
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 27, 2019

Suggested filters list allowing you to filter on the columns on the report

As a user, writing a report, this is what happens:


I want to create a report on say leads. I select the lead entity, i navigate the tree to select a few fields including guttometer and status, I also want company type so i navigate through the tree to the company and find company type.

Great, i have the basis of my report, but i now want to filter it


I open the filter, and the most likely thing i want to filter on is the columns in my report. ... so now, i navigate through the tree to the company and find company type

It would be great if we could offer the report columns first, and let someone "browse" if they want to filter on other stuff.

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  • Guest
    Feb 22, 2021

    Agreed - pretty much every time I build a Report, I want to filter on the things I added as columns to my Report...seems very annoying to have to go and find them again in the Filters. These should be auto-selected as filters in the list.

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