Add the ‘trash’ icon to quickly delete a document as per the quote lines. This will be less clicks compared to using the bulk update facility for one line.
A trash icon per the quote lines would be 2 clicks to delete. In comparison, deleting using bulk actions takes 7 clicks. If the user has CRM delete rights, they can click into the document and use the three dots to delete in 4 clicks.
A trask icon would be the ideal option. Alternatively, allow the user to delete documents without having full CRM delete rights.
A trash icon per the quote lines would be 2 clicks to delete. In comparison, deleting using bulk actions takes 7 clicks. If the user has CRM delete rights, they can click into the document and use the three dots to delete in 4 clicks.
A trask icon would be the ideal option. Alternatively, allow the user to delete documents without having full CRM delete rights.