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Product Suggestions
Categories CRM App
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 6, 2019

Comparison of buying history by product year-on-year, quarter-on-quarter or month-on-month

A customer I demo'd to yesterday really liked the information that we had in the "analysis" tab on a customer record. But had a good suggestion to enhance this.

In the top section, we currently show the customer's "top products", how much the customer has spent on that product and the number of times they've ordered it. 

They would like to be able to see this information, again by product, but with a bit of trend data. i.e. are the purchases of this product going up, or down. They'd ideally like a number of comparisons is it up/down year on year, quarter on quarter or month on month.

(maybe green and red, with up and down arrows to look nice !)

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