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Product Suggestions
Created by Andrew Ardron
Created on Apr 23, 2018

Make quote window title more relevant

At the moment if you open a quote window, and that quote has no description, the window title is Quote 123.

This is great, but it doesnt actually make sense if the quote has been ordered. Or even more so if (as a customer) I never really though of this as a quote - if it was an order straight from the web, or from some integration of some sort - in which case i think of this as an Order, not a quote.

So, i think the description should be more intelligent than this. When it has been processed as an order, the dynamic description should NOT be quote 123... Instead of using hard coded "Quote: quoteno" it should be "quote status: 123"...e.g. basket 123, or sales order ABC123 (Note the change of ID if that were possible too)

(arguably we might want to review the default quote status descriptions too - or add a new field for this purpose - so that the title is "Order ABC123" rather than "Confirmed Order ABC123" which maybe doesnt seem quite right)

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