See attached image. These tickboxes are assigned to the table in word, they are not stored and set as part of the table style.
One of the screenshots attached has the first column formatting applied (which word does by default) and the other looks much better without (requires the user to untick this box)
As a test/phase 1, we should just change these flags after creating the table. we should set the special styles only to the header row.
Below is more explanation, workaround info and UI suggestion that would be much better and maybe just a little bit of extra work.
Without a lot of extra work you get a poor formatting of the table. the first column (product ref) is always bold, and the extended descriptions are in the first column too and so are always bold too. the last row is expected to be totals, so that gets special formatting too - even though our last row isnt a total.
you can get round this by editing the word table formatting, so that the formatting applied to the first column is the same as the rest (i.e. remove the bold), but this is messy and goes against the way word table styles work, and means that if the user ever tries to tick/untick these boxes, they will do nothing.
it would be better if, as well as storing and applying the style, we store and apply these "table format options". i.e. recreate these same boolean options, and put them in our ui just under the "style to apply". Then When setting the style, set these values on the table. The user will be free to override them if they want. By default we should tick only "Header Row", the rest should be unticked.