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Product Suggestions
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Created by Andrew Ardron
Created on Sep 25, 2018

Currently, you have to create 4 copies of every basic document template

For every customer we set up, at the moment we have to create 4 copies of every basic word or email template. If this isnt bad enough - try explaining that to a customer who is setting the system up for themselves, or adding a new document template.

This is because a document can only be assigned to one level in the UI, even though the solution was built to allow documents to be available at multiple levels.

At the conversation goes:

"I've created this template but it doesnt show up in the list" ... "let me see - ah that's because you created it for a contact, and this is a lead/quote etc " ... "so how do i make it appear in that list as well" .... "ok, you take that document, create another one with the same name and same content and do that four times" ... let's not get into what happens when they then need to make a change and have to do that four times, or when they report on how many times a document has been used, and have to add the same document to the filter four times.

    Oct 15, 2019

    The CRM has been updated to allow the same document template to be created at multiple levels of the hierarchy. We will be rolling this out to customers over the next few weeks.

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