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Product Suggestions
Status Will not implement
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2018

No way of customising the 'News' section on the dashboard/home screen

No way of customers to amend the 'news' section on the dashboard- we have been telling customer for a while that is editable but there is no interface for this.

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  • Admin
    Andrew Ardron
    Feb 9, 2021

    The news section of the default dashboard has been retired in the latest version (rolling out over the coming weeks).

  • Guest
    May 13, 2019

    Yet another related idea - am I the only other one?

    Having a one size or one layout fits all for the non configurable home page seems out character given the customization available else where in the 365 CRM. At the very least the News Section could be reduced considerably. Better still be able to choose the visible tiles much like managing your favorites in the desktop CRM