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Product Suggestions
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 28, 2018

Lead Size Configuration (By Sequence)

In the desktop you were able to set up a sequence on the 'sequence column' for the lead size, however you cannot do this now in Web UI so they just appear in whatever order (seems like by description)

    Jan 22, 2019

    We could provide an option on a per-entity basis to say what the drop down sort is.  The deafult for this drop down would be by "Average Value"

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Size configuration by Sequence

The size field in a lead on desktop has a sequence and allows for sorting, but the Web UI does not use or show the sequence, instead using the size code which sorts them incorrectly, (1, 10, 2, 20 etc.) This was sortable by sequence in the desktop...
Guest about 6 years ago in  0