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Product Suggestions


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Notifications based on custom fields in quotes and orders

We use custom Yes / No fields within the status section of quotes. It would useful to notify certain people when the status of these is changed.
Guest about 1 year ago in Automation 1 Already exists

Automate 'Save To CRM' Once An Email Contact Is Saved Into The System.

One you save a contact in Outlook to Prospect, the system should automatically keep saving the email correspondents that are received and sent, rather than manually having to add all the time. Our previous CRM 'Exsalerate' did this.
Guest about 3 years ago in Automation 2 Already exists

Option to update Opportunity Value based on latest quote value

this will help to improve the accuracy of the future pipeline without having to rely on manual updates which are often skipped
Guest over 1 year ago in Automation 1 Already exists

Be able to pull through Division Tax Code in search and replace fields

This would be useful for customers trading internationally who need to outline the Tax Code in their proposals.
Guest almost 5 years ago in Automation 1 Already exists

Company name changing and not updating

the company name is accidently being changed by team members and they system has not tracing or accountability t make this stop or retrain those who do it - also as the details dont sink when updating between unleashed and prospect we cant find th...
Guest over 1 year ago in Automation 1 Already exists

Allow the document library linked documents to be linked in quotes

When we sell a product, we want to provide the datasheet. If I could provide a link to the datasheet in the quote, that would be great. The datasheet is in the library under a folder called "datasheets" and is linked to the SKU code.When I ship th...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Automation 3 Already exists

Add Support for Single Companies in the Missing Customer Import

With the introduction of the Single Company feature, some customers who deal with only single companies would like it if there was a way to import new accounts from the respective accounting system to the CRM as a single company. As it stands, the...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Automation 0 Already exists