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Showing 378 of 2680

Integrate with Dear Inventory Drop Ship Flag for Sales Orders

Within Dear Inventory you can set on the sales order line whether a product is to be delivered from the drop ship. A user can set on a product whether it is always sent from dropship, whether drop ship is optional and if you can never send the pro...
Guest over 3 years ago in Cin7 Core 0

Auto Populate Customers Phone Number into Sage

The introduction of the phone number on the quotes needs to be enhanced. At the moment this information doesn't populate into our account software. It would be great if this information was automatically filled from the customers contact record an...
Guest over 3 years ago in Sage 50 0

Generate Access Dimensions ODBC when setting up Automation Manager

When 365 Automation manager is set up for Access, we have to manually create the ODBC to connect. This can sometimes be misconfigured to use the same as Access (SQL SERVER NATIVE Client 11.0) when it should be using SQL SERVER. This causes import ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Access Dimensions 0

Identify when an Opportunity has been Invoiced

Within PS it is easy to identify when an opportunity has been ordered, by way of processing the order against the opportunity and status updates. Where a separate accounting system is used to dispatch and invoice, it would be so helpful if on PS, ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Integration 0

Import customer reference for Unleashed Sales Invoices

The CRM Unleashed integration does not import a customer reference from the Invoices endpoint. This causes the field to be "lost" when an order is progressed to invoice. We could look into a way of requesting this from Unleashed, or if not accessi...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Unleashed 1 Unlikely to implement

QBC Tags field

Within QBC there is a Tags field. This field is not currently included as part of the integration with Prospect CRM. It would be very useful if the Tags field was to be integrated with Prospect CRM. Without the integration customers are having to ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Integration 0

Enable Sales Order Header to use Auto Range when importing

Currently there is no functionality to support the importing of Sales Order header using Auto Range, as it currently just loads up all the SOR data and then attempts to import this, which for customers with lots of historical data, will cause the ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Integration 0

Integrate to DEAR Tags

A customer would like to import the DEAR tags located on a customer account within DEAR when a customer is created from DEAR and also add these to sales ledger creation when creating a customer account from the CRM into DEAR. These tags could inte...
Guest about 4 years ago in Integration 0

Set balance to 0 when copying from template ledger

When creating a new ledger from a template in Opera the system copies the balance of the template to the new ledger. This is unlikely to be correct if it is a live account. We could set this to 0 instead of copying it.
Guest over 4 years ago in Pegasus Opera 0

Xero "daily rate" order confirmation buffer / allocation

As order confirmations could be considered the most important part of day-to-day operations. We might be able to allocate a certain number of transactions for order confirmation in the daily limit. So stop importing invoices for example when we ge...
Guest over 4 years ago in Xero 0