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integration with google ads, tag manager and other google aspects.

A free integration between prospect CRM and google for analytics, and importing data across to google for advertising purposes. Currently the best option is Zapier which comes with extra fees.
Guest 16 days ago in Other 0

Day trip planner for visiting clients

A day trip planner where you can put all your customers in that you need to see for the day, it has their business name, contact details, address and a time that you have booked the app for. You can then sort the customers by time slots.
Guest 3 months ago in Other 0

Create Contacts under Company Group

We have business customers who have multiple stores/sites that purchase separately, but are the one parent company.These are set up with a company group where each respective site/store is nested under (with the company group as the parent).Often ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Other 1

Field for 'In Stock' or 'Not In Stock'

Rather than having the exact amount in stock or not in stock, having a field that simply says 'In Stock' or 'Not In Stock' would be great so we can have this on our quote template. We would rather not give the exact number.
Guest 4 months ago in Other 0

Be able to discount by value or percentage

In our business it would be very useful to have the ability to reduce a quote by value rather than percentage discount.
Guest over 3 years ago in Other 1

Making categorisation available to companies nested under a company group.

The categorisation field (for customer type etc) is only available on the company group (parent)and not the individual companies that come under the company group.We want to move some of the company locations under the parent company into lapsed, ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Other 0

Bulk Emails from the campaign area

Allow a bulk email for the contacts within a campaign.
Guest about 1 year ago in Other 0

Send later option for emails

Can schedule emails to go to customers at a known time they will be at their computer. Or do an email then send the day theyb are back from day(s) off. Helpful when working in hospitality because of odd hours worked by many
Guest over 1 year ago in Other 0

One map with all customers/prospects on

Have one map with all customers and prospect customers on.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Other 0

Make clearing tasks clearer

Got confused that when you click on a task/recall it doesn't show the notes, and so wasn't aware that the 'Clear Task' was clearing that task rather than making a new one.
Guest over 3 years ago in Other 0