Customers would find it very useful if reports could be ordered by amount of tags. Normally when you click on a report's header it will order the report alphabetically or numerically. However, it won't offer this functionality when the header clic...
Option to Show the At a Glance figures for TYTD compared to LYTD & a tile for total sales last calendar year
A customer would find it useful to be able to show TYTD compared to LYTD like the last 365 days shows within the at a glance tile. And if the difference is less or more, show this in green or red. Furthermore the customer would find it useful to h...
Add Division Name to Problem Section on Account Management Dashboard
Currently within the problem report tile of the account management dashboard it just includes the problem description, date of when it was created, status & the user who logged it. A customer would also find it useful to see the division name ...
Ability to export Grouping and summary in reports to Excel
Customers would like to be able to export the groups or summary made in a report to excel. It will be very useful to export the reports with the groups and summaries, rather than grouping it again in excel.
Add extended description field to layout in Problem so that we have contract and extended description together
It is useful as we can then see the detail of the contract which will help us when dealing with the customer, eg No of licences, No of Data sets, equipment details on hardware contracts
A customer would like to import the DEAR tags located on a customer account within DEAR when a customer is created from DEAR and also add these to sales ledger creation when creating a customer account from the CRM into DEAR. These tags could inte...
CRM Library Enhancement: Add 'All' Documents to Conf Email
A customer would like us to include functionality into the CRM Library to add "all" documents associated with products/product groups to the confirmation email - something they feel would revolutionise their service.
Transnational discount to be imported from Exchequer
This discount is based on units purchased such as if a customer orders 40 units they get 2% off. We would also need this to filter across to the website so customers purchasing on the website are able to see these discounts