It is possible to set budget authorisation per company.It would be useful to set budget authorisation as a system wide option so that orders over a certain value would need to be authorised by a specified approver.
please can we allow a function to change the status of your quotes in bulk. we have many low value quotes that we close down after a period of time and currently we have to do this individually. it would be much easier to perform a 'bulk update' a...
When using an opportunity pipeline it would be good to be able to have an approval workflow. The approval workflow should alert the approver and request their approval under three circumstances: The value of the opportunity is above a certain amou...
Customer Budgets reports v's Invoiced sales orders per customer - by Financial year
Customer goals to be set per Financial year so you can set budgets per customer and run a report that shows current invoiced sales to that specific customer. Include diagnostics to show % of sales revenue & GP reached each month, Value of outs...
It would be treally helpful to be able to use email templates when using the add enquiry as the first thing i wantto do is send the same email to all enquiries.
Allowing users to add a 'count' field of a child record type to the customiser, so they can add the field into their layout and show that the company has 15 contacts underneath, without needing to summarise it in the company contact report.
Considering delivery addresses can have different Line 1's but still be the same company it would be much more beneficial to have an option to match only on Postcode. If this was an option (toggle) to choose whether you want it to just Address Lin...
Currently, there is no way to delete distributor sales if they have been mistakenly imported incorrectly. Allowing customers to delete these and then reimport them would make managing these sales, in the event of a mistake a lot easier.