I actually now think we should not do this. I think we should get rid of My portal
remove the left hand menu, keep the same technology but just turn it into a "welcome" page rather than an attempt to be a dashboard portal.
redesign this main page as per the screenshot attached (and maybe just say "Welcome" in big text instead of "good afternoon" to avoid making this dynamic). See also https://www.office.com/?auth=1 and the second screenshot attached for the MS Office equivalent for style inspiration... i've also attached a 3rd image as there is a different welcome page for office which also works
Keep the other pages as they are and working, but with no menu.
In order to allow access to "Personal Access Tokens", add a button to the https://my.prospect365.com/About.aspx page, next to "Change Password"
Change the top-left apps drop down menu across the platform to say "Welcome" rather than "My 365"
Change the user drop down menu by:
a) removing the "settings" link
b) changing the "About Me" link to "Personal Settings" (still linking to https://my.prospect365.com/About.aspx)