English braids would like the At a Glance to be done on calendar year and year to date. At the moment it is the last 365 days, most customers want to be able to see their current financial year vs last financial year as that is how targets are run...
Vital for an NZ business, our financial year is 1 April-31March.
Our Financial year is Aug to July. The ability to instantly see how a customers sales performance compares to last year is essential to us. I hope this is a feature you can add.
Hope this suggestion is taken up. I've also raised the issue with Cin7 but they "don't accept that it is a problem" their "customers" can make the change themselves" - like every time they want to use the system meaningfully to suit their respective business. It's bad customer services on the part of Cin7!
I've never seen a business that matches their financial year with the calendar year, so I'd say this feature is essential for any business.
This is essential for any business that has a financial year that doesn't match the calendar year. Something that is a must for forecasting.
This capability would suit our current financial year which runs from 1st November to 31st October annually. UK businesses can chose their own financial year dates and a lot of them are based around when the businesses were started.
Essential to Australian Business
This will be a must for any Australian business July 1st to June 30th following year is our financial year.