Add extended description field to layout in Problem so that we have contract and extended description together
It is useful as we can then see the detail of the contract which will help us when dealing with the customer, eg No of licences, No of Data sets, equipment details on hardware contracts
CRM Library Enhancement: Add 'All' Documents to Conf Email
A customer would like us to include functionality into the CRM Library to add "all" documents associated with products/product groups to the confirmation email - something they feel would revolutionise their service.
A customer has asked for a list of the maximum data they can put into each of the custom fields. This would help customers understand and plan customisations a bit better when customising the CRM. We have a guide that this would be perfect to fold...
almost 4 years ago
in CRM App
Good idea awaiting more votes
Pop Up Window For Checking Order Details When Confirming
Customers have expressed that they would want a pop-up window with an orders details when a user tries to confirm an order. This would be useful for double-checking everything's correct, to reduce the margin of error with orders. This feature alre...
almost 4 years ago
in CRM App
Already exists
Editable image size when pasting images into emails
Currently the CRM allows for you to use an images with a source URL and change it's size accordingly. A customer has highlighted that sometimes these images are copies out of word documents/PDF's and therefore are just pasted into the Email. It wo...
It'd be useful to be able to default fields to something when creating a new record. For example if you had a custom drop down configured you might want one to always be the default to ensure that it was always filled out.
Keep Contact Second Address when choosing division address as primary
A customer has noticed that if you add a secondary address to a contact and change the primary back to the division address it removes the contact address. In some scenarios you may not wish to remove the contact secondary address.
If you paste an image into a notepad entry, the notepad entry displays a thumbnail. To see the full image you have to right-click and open it separately. It would be good if images in notepad text could open a lightbox, like the ones saved as sepa...
Product Reporting entity to show warehouse information on a single line
Currently the product shows various stock information but doesn't show much information in regards to the warehouse the stock resides in. More information can be found in the stock by warehouse entity but this shows a product line for each warehou...
When sending quotes you might want to set an expiration date. By default this is set to be 30 days from the quote creation. If you amend the quote you may want it to automatically update the expiration as you now have a new version of the quote.