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Product Suggestions


Showing 1242 of 2645

Change lead size values based on home currency

The lead size values show '£1k-£5k' for all customers unless they are all manually edited. This should be set to change the currency depending on the home currency of the operating company.
Guest about 4 years ago in CRM App 1 Already exists

additional fields for Product export

I've done some testing and found that there are no columns in the product item export for obsolete or sellable (Unleashed). These fields would be useful as we've had a recent issue with the customer needed to update products but over 80% of them w...
Guest about 4 years ago in CRM App 1

Straight-line projection report

A customer would find it useful to have straight line projection report based on this month's orders. The straight line projection report would take the orders so far that month and divide it by the working days so far that month and then times th...
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 0

Display Recall Prompt after creating opportunity for recall required statuses

A customer would find it useful for the recall window to display when you initially create the opportunity and it is in a status that requires a recall. Currently, when you first create an opportunity it just has the recall required banner along t...
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 0

Review how fields autosave changes

A customer sometimes finds that the auto saves can catch you out when they have accidentally deleted data inside contact info fields. Would be good to have a restore button to get back the previous entry.
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 0

Set a limit to document size and add appropriate warnings

It is currently only possible to store a document up to 100mb. However if you try and import a larger document the system doesn't warn you, it just errors. We should stop users trying this if it is not possible.
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 0

Annual Turnover Report

A customer would find it useful to see an annual turnover report within the CRM, (whole company, by account manager etc...) .
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 1

Add Date Range Filter to Customers Who Brought X but not Y

A customer would find it useful to add a Date Range Filter to Customers Who Brought X but not Y . For example only sales transactions in the last 6 months.
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 2 Already exists

Filter drop-downs based on other data

Requested by customer who wants to set a flag at Division level that is a subtype of a field on the parent Company level. E.g. a Company type would have a sub-set that is set against the division, rather than the division field showing all availab...
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 0

Copy Email Content when using default mail client option

Currently when you click the use default mail client option it just opens a blank email with the contact's email address. It would be useful if it copied the email's content over as well. Especially if you have used an email template.
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 0