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Product Suggestions


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Pre-populated Recall Templates

An Alliance Partner thought it would be helpful to have pre-populated recall templates which would be available to choose from depending on the record's status.
Guest over 5 years ago in CRM App 1

Add last updated field to filterable options

It would be useful for customers to be able to filter a report result set by date it was last updated. Handy for viewing results that might have just had a bulk action ran against them.
Guest over 5 years ago in CRM App 0

Maximum Character Limit for custom fields

It would be handy to have a maximum character limit for custom fields e.g. text fields, useful if you know the field is being used for data that has a limited character length.
Guest over 5 years ago in CRM App 0

Disable sending of emails with no body text

If you create a blank email, you are still able to send it, with or without attachments. It puts a row into the MessageQueue table but logs an error and will not send. This is not evident to the end-user, it permanently stays as "Sending..." in th...
Guest over 5 years ago in CRM App 0

Set Default Quantities for Upsell Manager Links

Within V6 Upsell Manager you could set default quantities for certain upsell manager links. For example if you had an alarm system product & wanted to setup a upsell link to a battery & needed two batteries you could set a default quantity...
Guest over 5 years ago in CRM App 0 Already exists

Highlight quote line to indicate that production data is present

It would be really handy if a quote row could be highlighted somehow to indicate that it has production module data behind it.
Guest over 5 years ago in CRM App 0

Add functionality to highlight which division is the HQ

It would be handy to have functionality within the CRM to highlight which division is the HQ at a particular company. Maybe displaying it in a different colour or pinning so it's visually clear. Helpful when you have many divisions under one company.
Guest over 5 years ago in CRM App 0

Join Sales YTD to Contact Entity

A customer would like to create a report which includes contact info, recall date, last update & sales YTD. I managed to include all the required fields but the Sales YTD. Therefore, I have logged an idea to make YTD information available from...
Guest over 5 years ago in CRM App 0 Will not implement

Change Notepad Edit button tooltip and icon

The Edit button on each notepad entry has a Spanner icon and a tooltip of "Notepad settings". This is unclear as it implies it will open the Settings slideout section. It would make more sense if it was a Pencil icon and the tooltip was "edit note".
Guest over 5 years ago in CRM App 0 Already exists

Change the notepad search options in report builder to allow to linking to the correct object type

I would like to be possible for us to to be able to choose the two other object types to link to the problem table in the report builder. if there was a way to have the system look at the object type and then decide based on that the record we cou...
Guest over 5 years ago in CRM App 1