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Product Suggestions


Showing 1237 of 2630

Quote-to-Order workflow buttons/portal to allow customer to udpate delivery address

It would be useful for our users when sending out an email/document with the quote to order workflow buttons to have the option to update the delivery address and instruction. The address for the specific order might not be the one that our users ...
Guest 6 months ago in CRM App 0

Ability to "collapse" quote line groups in quote table

When sending out a document using a quote table and quoteline groupings, it would be good if we could have an option to "collapse" the groups so that rather than showing each individual line, it would show the Group Description, and then total value.
Guest over 1 year ago in CRM App 0

'Nearby' report to link to contact

Our Nearby report would be an easy report to use for MailChimp Tagging. If we had a way to link from contact to this you could get a list of all contacts who work for companies in an X miles radius of HP14 XXX etc. This could provide you an instan...
Guest over 2 years ago in CRM App 0

Ability to unobsolete or delete products without a direct connection to a SOP system

The ability to change product status, either to obsolete and un-obsolete them directly in the CRM would be useful so that product records can be maintained correctly on a daily basis. A clearer definition of delete would be good as it would allow ...
Guest 3 months ago in CRM App 0

Future Availability Per Month

When pre-selling far out into the future, it would be very useful to have clear visibility of the projected availability for an entire product range on one page. Ideally there would be a column for each month, 12 months ahead with availability in ...
Guest about 4 years ago in CRM App 5

When using the global search, show exact matches first

At the moment, the CRM will show all results containing the query. We have had feedback from a customer that it would be useful if you were shown results that contained an exact match first.
Guest over 1 year ago in CRM App 0

Link custom fields to existing fields.

We have had a customer feedback that they are looking to add a custom field that they can link to users within the CRM. For example, they want to make a custom field that uses the account managers to indicate account managers on a contact by conta...
Guest over 1 year ago in CRM App 0

Increasing/ decreasing sales by magic matrix category

Currently the increasing/ decreasing sales report is grouped by customer, it would be good if this same data could be reported on based on magic matrix category and product category.
Guest almost 2 years ago in CRM App 0

Colour-coding opportunity statuses

It would give a quick indication as soon as you opened the record of how the opportunity was progressing. The User would have the ability to change these colours within the system settings
Guest about 2 years ago in CRM App 1

Ability to choose which source is primary in the two way sync

Currently the two way sync takes both systems as being equally correct. We have had a customer feedback that it would be useful to be able to set a primary source that was treated as the definitive record for information on companies
Guest over 1 year ago in CRM App 0