On the product search page when creating a quote/ order it would be useful as a user to be able to order the columns on the page so that I can sort the results based on quantity, price etc. As a user it would also be good to be able to select the ...
As a user I am able to set goals by customer. The goals by customer should be used to set the goals for account manager, i.e. as an account manager if I have 3 accounts account 1, account 2 and account 3 and the goals for the accounts are account ...
Ability to Exclude products from quote line reports and top product reports
Some customers 'sell' products that are not relevant to repeat ordering or top product reporting, such as shipping, marketing matrial, samples etc. it would be useful to exclude these from such reports
A customer mentioned it would be good to be able to use the price tiers imported from Inventory Management System to send a PDF customer facing copy. Currently you would need to upload PDF versions to the CRM Library to send the price lists, and t...
When using the duplicate option on an order, it would be good to be able to create a duplicate quote from the order. This gives users the ability to assign a sales pipeline to the quote.
A customer would find it useful to record the account manager changes in the activity. This would timestamp when the account manager was changed, who by and to which account manager.
Enable sales reporting to be done by contact ID or division ID rather than sales ledger - magic matrix
Allow us to view the magic matrix by contact and/or division rather than company (sales ledger) so that we can view the sales for B2C customers in the magic matrix too.