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Product Suggestions


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Map the Web Catalogue field from Exchequer products to the CRM Product record

There is a field on Exchequer products called 'Include on Web', we should add mapping for this to the 'Web Catalogu' field on product records so this can be managed in Exchequer directly.
Guest over 1 year ago in Exchequer 0

Exchequer Delivery Notes Date / User setting

For Exchequer order confirmation we push across the delivery notes to the notes section. However with our a date the order does not flag up as having a note, so people do not know to look there. Would it be possible when adding a note to set the d...
Guest over 4 years ago in Exchequer 0

Ability to create Sales Ledger in Prospect CRM and Create in Exchequer prior to confirming an order

At the moment, if a sales ledger is created in Prospect CRM it is only created in Exchequer once an order has been placed on the account to avoid creating ledgers in Exchequer that may never buy. In certain circumstances (service repairs) a ledger...
Guest over 5 years ago in Exchequer 0 Already exists