Display problems recently logged for a division when creating problems
When farmplan create problems in their system they will somtimes have two users reporting the same issue in quick succession (this happens for us as well). To avoid having two problems created they have asked if when you click to create a quote it...
Currently you can have lots of status flows setup in the problem tracker/lead tracker. Farmplan specifically have asked for these status flows to have the option to be linked to a "type" of lead or problem so that you have have set processes for s...
I think the + button should be to the right of the search and have no circle
I've looked at a lot of products to see about this and admit there is no really common answer. However, the plus button where it is is not obvious.
All the other buttons are to the right of the search. Most applications put the search first and in...
We have just implemented a rule on the Webfusion load balancers to block a particularly aggressive bot from a customer's websites. It would be good to have this functionality in 365. This may be either through the CMS Gateway, or through the use o...
After creating a Quote in the Web CRM I had a Price Expiry date set for a date prior to today's date. It would be really useful to have a warning or see a message when attempting to confirm an order when the quote has expired.
Currently, within Web CRM customers are able to add quotes at division level and users should only be able to log quotes under a contact/sales lead etc. Hanlin are getting an error message when trying to confirm over to the accounting system as it...
The automation schedule run reports are useful for us as we know what the errors mean but not the customers. We should have a set of reports that pick up the errors and present them better rather than 5,000 errors when it can' t delete because of ...
Clear recall button on web CRM - doesn't show if recall required on status
Although for obvious reason, the fact that you are unable to set the clear recall option for such records is not very user friendly. Perhaps a message to say this status requires a recall, or something similar would be a good idea.
Under the 'Communications' tab on a contact and division there is a button link to google maps which opens up the address for that specific record.
It would be useful if you could set a 'home' office location somewhere in the system so it would au...
We should be able to support domain redirects toe CMS domains, without necessarily having the appropriate certificates. Although we could use LetsEncrypt for free certificates.