When trying to assess how easy an upgrade to webCRM is going to be, it would be really useful to see a full list of all the custom fields for a given profile in one page on the admin portal (i.e. all the xtra tab fields from the various heirarchy ...
The full solution is defined in an email saved against problem 180207
ACA also mentioned that we should be able to specify on a quote by quote basis whether the prices are inclusive or exclusive. This would be quite easy to implement as long as th...
We really need a customisable way to decide "per country" which fields are required and how to format them. For example, Ireland doesn't have postcodes while the US has states etc.
We will need to make this change in association with the CMS check...
When changing a contact's email, if they have elogin, warn the user
If a user edits a contact's email and that contact has an elogin, we should warn the user that changing the primary email will change this contact's login details ... do you want to continue? and/or suggest adding the new email to the add-email in...
To track and link a problem directly to a Sales or Purchase from the accounting software. I.e. If we have a short delivery on a PO, locate the item under the Purchase tab for the relevant supplier record - right click - create problem. The same wo...
No breadcrumbs / indication of where you are in the cms
It would be really useful to be able to have an indication of the web page you are editing, or where you are in the cms navigation. Clicking page or refreshing the page is not a reliable way of going back one level as it usually takes me to the ho...
Currently it takes 5 clicks and navigating to 3 pages to get to the "find content" button (which is a super useful feature). I understand this is a tool that teh average user doesn't need.
So, to reduce the number of pages a clicks to get to this ...
The support guys have found Front to be really useful. I think if we had the facility to add a "new conversation" (just that without a lead or a problem) and then convert a conversation to a lead or problem (moving the conversation to then be a ch...
when a cap is applied to a campaign activity and if the user inputs a figure greater than that cap, they will then receive a notification informing them and remove their last input.
Setting "Description" and other meta data against a product
See also PS365-I-2220
Basically, we should be able to explicitly set meta data against a product
For title and description and keywords (probably other common ones too), we should allow you to use the product name if nothing else is set, but we s...