It would be helpful to add the name of the reports within the Shared Reports section to the URL so you can book mark the shared report & it load the exact report within this section that you wish to view. At the moment you can only book mark h...
Make Extended Description Editable on Product Record
In Unleashed there is no Extended Description field, only Notes. It might be handy to be able to edit the Extended Description on a product record for those who do not have access to this field within their ERP/Accounts system. See screenshot of w...
When quoting within the CRM you can't see the Product Internal Notes on the same page, you would need to open up the product record in a separate tab. It would be helpful to see these internal notes in the additional information side bar for the q...
For companies who have multiple Operating Companies in their accounting system, with different currencies set up, the Order Value this Month report on the Dashboard doesn't display the orders very well - it looks at the most recent order and which...
Generate CRM Profile Pictures Based On Name Rather Then Usercode
Following PID: 266729 it would be a good idea if the profile pictures in the CRM were generated based on name rather then user code. In the ticket we had users with a profile picture of AA because there user code had one letter A in it but the ini...
When uploading images and files to the file explorer in the CMS it is significantly slower then you would expect. For example uploading a few 50kb images can about 1 minute. See supporting loom:
When doing a search for a product code, you can not tell from the search screen which Operating Company each product belongs to. This is an issue if you have the same product in two different operating companies.
Currently the News Articles page does not support dynamic page <title> tags, so when opening a News Article Detail page, regardless of which article you are on, the <title> tag will always show the generic "News Detail" title from the ...
So we can set priorities in how the data shows - for example sort names in Surname order or quotes in assending or descending date order so I dont have to click through to the division and search from there.
Once a content set has been created in the CMS, you are unable to rename the set. We should add functionality to be able to rename the content set that would be able to change where it is referenced elsewhere in the site.