Chalfont and Eyelash Design Company want to use PayPal Pro features on the CMS, such as embedding paypal onto the basket page rather than using a pop up window.
Authority levels for editing certain fields e.g. account manager drop down
A customer would like to have certain edit rights on particular fields. For example they would only like one user to be able to edit the account manager drop down within the CRM but still have the other users be able to view but not edit the field.
Quotation Table - Add total at the bottom of a column
Image 1 - is a quote table with the totals table.
Image 2 - is a mock up of having an option to add a total a the bottom of a column.
This will give customers a different style of quote table.
This option should be available on line total columns.
We come across this problem quite a bit and it will be a big one to fix.
We have a lot of customers who manage customer pricing based on % discounts rather than setting specific prices for a customer/product. This causes a problem for us if custo...
Default recalluser only if not set and recall is required
Our inhouse system on 702034 now defaults the recall popup user to the user who clicks the button. This is great unless the record is already recalled, and you lose who it was recalled to.
It is also unnecessary for records that don't require a re...
PAR Sandwich currently has the ability to perform bulk operations on more fields than we currently offer (r33) and would like the following options to be included in their migration:
Apply % to unit price
Apply amount to unit price
Bulk change of...
Copy Configure options such as quote tables & document templates
A customer would like to be able to copy configurations such as quote tables & document templates. Sometimes they're configuring basic requirements & creating each on manually is taking a long time & would be much quicker if they could...
Logged for Jill at Judd Medical.
At the moment if you want to see a report in full screen you can only maximise it when you open it in a new tab (to remove the Shared Reports list) You also cannot middle-click to open it in a new tab,
If we could ...
Logged for Jill at Judd Medical. When you load the Shared Reports group, the list of reports is stuck open taking up a quarter of the screen, and you cannot collapse it.
Apply Filters on Sub variations as well as main variations
A customer has noticed that the filters on the website do not apply on the sub variations set on main variation products. For example a product which is 25kg & has a sub variation of 2.5kg, when you click on the 2.5kg the filter doesn't show a...