Currently the barcode generator displays Width and Height but not the unit of these. It would be useful to know what unit these are being measured in so that users have an idea of the size the barcode is that they are generating.
When printing a barcode it's likely that you would print it on a standard label size.
As such, it might be useful to have a drop down that contains standard label sizes that a user could select and generate a barcode of that size.
In a distribution business throughput is highly important, and increasing order size is a good way of increasing profitability. We currently support cross selling, must selling and upgrades however we don't have any feature to increase order size ...
In the new version of STCRM you are unable to save an email from the email creation window. You now have to send the email and then go to your sent items and save from there. This has added a few clicks into the process.
Obsolete/discontinue products in CRM (and not let accounts imports override this)
It would be very useful in some scenarios to have the ability to set up products in your accounting system but not be able to start selling them in the CRM/marking them as obsolete. One scenario where this could be useful could include a seasonal ...
Ability to remove the note type dropdown from recall window
Some customer make no use of the activity type when making notes or settnig recalls. It would be good if we could have the ability to remove this from the UI to clean it up a bit. I imagine a default activity type would need to be confgured to all...
Editable Margin Price to Recaculate the Unit Price
When edited it needs to recalculate the “Price”.
E.g. Qty = 5, Unit Cost = £10, Unit Sell = £20, Line Margin = £50. If the Line Margin is edited to say £100, the Unit Sell would recalculate to £20.
'You have unsaved changes' notification when setting recalls and other notes within the system
When adding a new recall or note to the system if you accidentally move away from this screen or click elsewhere you loose your note/information you were imputing. It would be good to have a notification asking are you sure you want to move away f...
Add Account Manager Restrictions to Setting Centre
Currently if you wish to set account manager restrictions you need to create a report using the User entity & then click on the pencil icon to access the option to enable account manager restrictions. It would be best to add this as a configur...