A couple of customer have now asked to be able to calculate the volume sold which would be quantity sold X but unit measure. For example if a product is 11litres or 5kg, it would be 11litres x 10 (quantity sold). This would be an additional field ...
At the moment it is possible to automatically create an equipment record when a product is sold. This option is available for customers that use Unleashed.This option should be available for customers that use other systems such as DEAR, QBC and X...
I think it would be a good idea to be able to simplify relationship so you can just link any record to any other record quickly and easily without setting a relationship type. I think linking one record to another and an optional comment is enough...
Add Over Credit Limit to Sales Ledger Report Entity
A customer would like to run a report to see customers that are over their credit limit. We display this information on the company record when a customer is over their credit limit as a banner message but it is not a flag on the sales ledger to b...
Integration to Australia Post to calculate delivery charges
A customer uses Australia Post to ship their products. They would like the CRM to use Australia Post's delivery charge calculation to calculate the shipping cost. This would be based on location & by weight.
Specifically for Tax but may be useful for other things. If you change the default rate on a ledger or change the ledger on a quote it does not change the VAT on the lines.
Ability to add documents to the Activity Log via Drag and Drop
A customer would find it extremely useful to have the ability to drag and drop documents onto the activity log in the same way you would via the documents tab. To then have the option to download or preview the document from the activity log would...
Add open ticket summary to at a glance on division
It's important, when upselling, to know about a customer's outstanding tickets to make sure you aren't going to aggravate them. a count of open tickets on the at a glance would help with this.