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Division specific recently purchased products

In the desktop, the recently purchased products would show products recently bought under a ledger specifically to the division, even if the ledger was used under multiple divisions. However this is not the case in 365, as the recently bought prod...
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 0

Add Trade Gecko Company Code to Sales Ledger Creation Screen

A customer would like to be able to set the company code within Trade Gecko when creating the customer account from the sales ledger creation screen. We currently set the ID which is a sequential number and company name, but the company code is al...
Guest over 4 years ago in Integration 1 Unlikely to implement

Account Management dashboard reflecting invoice dates rather than order dates.

Currently it shows false positives for us with regards to At Risk clients who actually have backorders, this can sometime take over a month to complete. It would be great for RFM to refer to the invoice date, which is updated once backorders shipp...
Guest 11 months ago in Automation 0

Automatic refresh for CRM records and reports

A customer would like functionality for an automatic refresh to be added to records and reports (or where there is usually a refresh button). Currently for records and reports you have to refresh manually.
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 1

CMS Stripe endpoint to allow posting to OpCo

Currently, when setting up the CMS integration to Stripe you have to set up a webhook in Stripe to post to <profileID>. This would only allow you to have one Stripe endpoint per workspace a...
Guest 11 months ago in CRM App 0

Import and display Unleashed order/delivery status for orders / order lines

This would be useful as sales teams could update their customers with the delivery status, build reports showing there sales and the statuses they're currently in all from the CRM instead of checking unleashed. Importing this field (if available o...
Guest over 5 years ago in Integration 0

Import additional contacts from Unleashed

Currently the Unleashed integration only brings in the primary contact, which causes issues for customers who have been storing additional contacts in Unleashed as the basic data import doesn't allow you to add contacts to divisions that already e...
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 0

Create Equipment Item Based On A Template Item

Some customers create equipment items with a set of pre-defined data (both standard and custom). To avoid switching between screens/records it would be useful to mark an existing item as a template item and then have the "Based On" option show the...
Guest over 4 years ago in CRM App 1

To be able to change date of task once saving

It would be useful to change date rather than delete or clear task and create a new task
Guest over 2 years ago in CRM App 2 Planned

customer account manager and customer type as set in DEAR into CRM

Please can we have a feature whereby when a customer is set up In DEAR Inventory that the set customer account manager and Customer type is pulled through into Prospect.
Guest over 2 years ago in Automation 0