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Margin field at opportunity level and be populated by margin on linked quote

Similar to the opportunity value field, it would be good to have a Margin value field at opportunity level that gets populated initially by the estimated Margin drop down on the opportunity and then populated by the actual margin from the quote. W...
Guest 9 months ago in CRM App 0

Show summaries by status within Kanban by estimated close month

A customer would find it useful to be able to see summaries by status when viewing the kanban by estimated close month. E.g. when looking at the June opportunities, have summaries to see how much value is against each stage in the opportunity pipe...
Guest 9 months ago in CRM App 0

Add a product from a quote group

When on the quote screen looking at the quote lines, it would be useful to be able to add a product straight to a particular quote group. Currently you have to add the product and then drag and drop it to move it into a group.
Guest 9 months ago in CRM App 0

Repeat column headers or freeze column headers for quote groups

When working on a quote group that has lots of quote lines it would be useful to repeat or freeze the column headers so the user doesn't have to scroll to the top to see these.
Guest 9 months ago in CRM App 0

Show original field name in customiser after label is changed

A customer would find it useful to be able to see the original field name in the customiser after you change the label of a field. This would also make it easier for our support teams as well.
Guest 9 months ago in CRM App 0

Associate one person with more than one company

We frequently have contacts who either own two or more different companies, or work for more than one of our customer companies. There is currently no way to associate one contact with more than one company - which means we have to duplicate the c...
Guest about 3 years ago in CRM App 1

When reordering quotelines on a large quote, pop open a new window to sort all at once

Reordering quotelines on large quotes can take a long time as it reorders all lines and updates the UI. If a quote has over a certain number of lines, say 50, when attempting to reorder, pop open a new window that is more simplified, that allows y...
Guest almost 4 years ago in CRM App 0

Aged receivables report

On the aged receivables report it would be useful to be able to include the following fields: Due Date Day overdue This information is useful to customers as they can see when a balance was due and how many days it has been overdue. This informati...
Guest over 2 years ago in CRM App 0

Push order details through to Stripe

When we confirm orders using stripe, we store the Stripe Transaction Reference on the quote in the CRM in the card transaction field, but it would be good to be able to send information to stripe, such as customer reference, quote ID etc.
Guest over 5 years ago in CMS Sites 0

Stock On Hand Total in CRM

Currently the available stock level within the CRM minuses any stock that has been reserved on a quotation. A customer would find it also useful to have a total stock level without taking into account the reserved stock e.g. 'Stock on Hand'. It wo...
Guest almost 4 years ago in CRM App 0