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Add Sales Transactions Page to Invidual Records (b2c)

A customer would find it useful to see the sales transactions page on an individual record. At the moment you have to drill into the linked sales ledger to view this information.
Guest about 4 years ago in CRM App 1

Add Tasks to Enquiry forms

Add the tasks feature for Enquiry form. We have one person who triages inbound enquiries and assigns them to team members. Having a task feature on the Enquiry form will allow users to manage their follow ups along with other recalls.
Guest 10 months ago in Product Management 0 Planned

Sync Unleashed Orders into Prospect

Our team often splits orders between Prospect, and Unleashed. However I'm unable to see any orders put on with unleashed. Can this be done?
Guest about 4 years ago in Unleashed 1 Already exists

Leader board Dashboard report to use 'Orders Placed Value'

A customer has highlighted a few features with the Dashboard Leader board reports that could be enhanced, mainly with the value. It's possible that some opportunities will have multiple quotes. Some may be confirmed months before the second or thi...
Guest about 4 years ago in CRM App 1

When changing the price automatically calculate % discount on a quote

A customer would find it useful when changing the selling price on a quote, it automatically calculates the % discount, rather than working out what the discount % needs to be to get the correct price. This might need to be a system option as some...
Guest almost 5 years ago in CRM App 0

Omit certain months from RFM Analysis

A customer would find it useful to be able to omit certain months from the RFM Analysis. E.g. if a business is seasonal or because of COVID you may wish to omit certain months from the analysis.
Guest about 4 years ago in CRM App 1 Unlikely to implement

Dashboard Orders ability to compare against revenue goals and month last year

Dashboard orders only has comparison against last month which isn't always best option when business has seasonal fluctuations. Equivalent month last year or against goal revenue loaded into goals would be a better measure.
Guest 10 months ago in Integration 1

Assign multiple salespeople

For an Opportunity, especially a large one, it's possible it has two or more salespeople so it would be beneficial to be able to select multiple sales people if applicable.
Guest 10 months ago in CRM App 1

Allow clicking on dates outside on current month in calendar

When assigning a task to a contact, you set the date using the calendar dropdown, which shows current month dates, then any dates from previous month or the next month in grey numbers. It doesn't allow you to click on these grey numbers, so you ha...
Guest 10 months ago in Product Management 0

Tag or remove from audience contacts who have left company in Mailchimp

When someone leaves a company and is marked as such within Prospect the Mailchimp integration should either remove them from the Mailchimp audience or tag them so that they can be excluded that way. Some Mailchimp pricing tiers are pay as you go a...
Guest about 4 years ago in Integration 0 Good idea awaiting more votes